Tuesday, January 25, 2011


1. Identify your team's topic

2. Describe your role on the team.

3. What did you learn from being a part of this team?

4. What went well for you as a team?

5. What did not go well for you as a team?

6. Describe the process from storyboarding through the movie creation. Did ideas/concepts/focus change from one kind of technology to the other? If so, how?  

7. What new tools and techniques did you learn by doing this project?

8. For what other classes, situations, uses could this type of project be adapted?

9. How did your project use the transformative property of borrowed images, music, and information to comply with the Copyright Law of 1976? [...not just that you cited the information - citing is not enough...tell me how you transformed what you've taken into something new, etc.,How did you transform the music, information, images, etc.?

10.Would you do another project like this on your own? Why? Why not?

1. Our team's topic was Biology.

2. My role on the team was to interview teachers and voice over.

3. I learned more about Biology and what the teachers think from being part of this team.

4. Everything went well from being part of this team, I thought the video was very good. 

5. Their was not anything that did not go well for the team.

6. Everything that was on the storyboard was in the video. When we did the video we just added the interview of the teachers and voiceovers.

7. I learned more about Imovie from doing this project.

8. I could use this type of project for speech.

9. The project used transformative property by borrowing pictures. We transformed the images by citing them.

10. I would not do another project because I did not find it interesting. 

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